Amid 865 trees coming down, Province releases 95-year lease with Therme

Under cover of darkness, Infrastructure Ontario began the removal of 865 trees at Ontario Place on the evening of Wednesday, October 2, 2024. Within a single day, workers had cut down the vast majority of those trees.

The work—which includes the removal of every single tree on the western portion of the waterfront site adjacent downtown Toronto—is part of the approximately $200-million in site preparations that taxpayers are funding to prepare the land for Therme, an Austrian spa company, to develop a stadium-sized indoor waterpark on the site. See before and after photos.

The next day, October 3, the Province released the details of its 95-year lease with Therme, which journalists and grassroots organizations have…

Scrivener Underpass Mural Project

Scrivener mural launch

The Scrivener Underpass Mural is a celebration of the past, a nod to the present, and an inspiration for the future. This mural design for the Ramsden, Summerhill, Rosedale community by local artist Zuna Amir, visually narrates the area’s rich history and dynamic evolution. It honours both the natural history and landmarks of the area.

Pedestrian seriously injured at Avenue Road and Davenport

Accident Avenue Road & Davenport Oct. 2, 2024

Another pedestrian was seriously injured this afternoon on Avenue Road near Davenport. The collision involved a pedestrian, and three cars. One car jumped the curb onto the sidewalk. The pedestrian was transferred to the hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

Road safety improvements on Avenue Road are scheduled to start soon, which unfortunately was not soon enough to prevent another injury.

ABCRA Fall 2024 Newsletter

Fall flowers against blue sky

Our Fall 2024 newsletter includes updates and news from the neighbourhood, upcoming events and opportunities to get involved in your City.

What have we been up to? Lots! We have reports on upgrades at Ramsden Park, Avenue Road safety improvements (now under construction!), art in the neighbourhood, updates on various development proposals in the works and ABCRA’s response to them, some upcoming events and opportunities to support local organizations. We’re particularly thrilled to be collaborating with Tapestry Opera to bring their free Box Concert series to Ramsden Park on Sunday, September 15 at 1:15 pm. and hope you’ll attend!

Toronto’s ineffectual enforcement contributes to ongoing gridlock

Toronto traffic jam

After years of writing about traffic enforcement and pedestrian and cyclist safety, I became convinced that Toronto police either just don’t like or don’t respect policing the roads, and the leadership doesn’t see good reason to change that.

A former police officer told Habibinia much the same. There is a long-standing culture inside the police service where traffic enforcement is not considered “real police work” compared to “sexy” crime-fighting. Yet city hall, which sets the police budget, believes gridlock is a major problem, for people and for the economy.

Too many pedestrians and cyclists are killed by cars. There are solutions

For too long, society accepted that death was a fact of life on the roads. It was the cost of convenience to move from A to B as fast as possible in a car. We call crashes “accidents,” even when the causes, from driver speed to road design, are deliberate choices. It’s a cultural problem that such incidents are viewed as ordinary.

Cities must redouble their efforts to make change happen.

Push. Pray. Walk: After yet another death, should Toronto replace these dangerous pedestrian crossovers?

Push button crosswalk

There’s a certain anxiety that activates when some of us pedestrians push the button to activate one of Toronto’s standalone pedestrian crossovers.

You take a deep breath as the overhead orange flashing lights activate. You try your best to make eye contact with any approaching drivers. If you’re pushing a stroller, you grip the handles tightly. If you’re the religious type, maybe you say a little prayer. Perhaps you just cross your fingers while crossing the street. And you hope.

City infrastructure projects in our Ward

Infrastructure 2024

As well as all the building construction we are experiencing in our area, the City has provided a map and list of road and other infrastructure projects underway or scheduled for the near future in Ward 11.

Collectively these will affect traffic and getting around our Ward, and two are within our ABC borders: Watermain replacement at Yonge/Macpherson and Ramsden Road Park reconstruction.

Jane Jacobs would reject Toronto’s “city of yes” too!

429-435 Broome St. NYC

“A green light for cataclysmic development” is how Jane would characterize City of Yes, not the city of gradual change that she observed to be what strengthens cities. If approved, buildings will be constructed on tight lots, out of scale, and high in income. Design contortions will be invented to take advantage of the as-yet-unidentified empty spaces. Buildings will be razed and truly affordable units lost. 

Sound familiar? The proposals for NYC will sound eerily familiar to Torontonians.

Resubmission of Development Proposal at 126-130 Avenue Rd.

126-130 Avenue Road proposal

On behalf of ABCRA, we want to provide feedback on the recent resubmission of the development proposal for 126-130 Avenue Rd

Our primary concern is the omission of a G type loading zone in the resubmitted proposal. Avenue Rd. is already a hazardous environment for pedestrians, a fact acknowledged by the city’s ongoing investments to enhance safety in this area. Allowing street-level garbage pick-up on either Bernard Ave. or Avenue Rd. would only exacerbate existing safety issues, placing pedestrians at even greater risk.