

ABC advocates on behalf of residents and the neighbourhood whenever a coordinated response to a municipal issue is required. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life in our neighbourhood for present and future residents.

The ABCRA volunteer board monitors City committee meeting agendas to identify issues that impact our neighbourhood. We review and analyze development applications and city policies, and advocate through letter-writing, reports, deputations, meeting with city officials and developers, conducting studies and surveys and keep residents informed of issues, whether local or city-wide, that can affect the livability of the ABC area.

We are active members of The Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations. An ABCRA board member sits on the FoNTRA steering committee and contributes to their many position papers on City and Provincial policy issues affecting our community and the City.

Letters and reports have been arranged from most recent to oldest.

Recent letters and reports

Letters and reports

Letters and reports in this section generally pertain to issues that are either settled or no longer current. They are included here as downloadable PDFs to provide a background to current issues and a history of advocacy in both the ABCRA area and in the City of Toronto.