Ramsden Park dogs off-leash area

Grant Drygas
General Supervisor, Parks Operations (Acting)
Wards 9, 10, 11 and 13

Re: Ramsden Park Dogs Off-Leash Area.

The ABC Residents Association is a not-for-profit federally regulated community organization representing the interests of residents in the geographic area bounded by Bloor Street to the south, the CPR tracks to the north, Yonge Street to the east, and Avenue Road to the west. We are expressing our concern that the dogs off-leash area is causing conflict with the adjacent residents.

We have been made aware that the disturbances have become more acute in recent years with the increased use of the dogs off-leash area. In addition, the dogs off-leash area now attracts dozens of commercial dog walkers, each with a herd of five dogs or more, who park their SUVs daily on Pears Avenue and Roxborough Street West and significantly increase noise levels in the park.

To address these concerns in a way that agrees with everyone, we ask that the city remove the commercial dog walker status for Ramsden Park such as the City does with other dog parks where the location is not suitable for commercial walkers. We would like the city to consider moving the dogs off-leash area to another park, such as Severn Creek Park, Budd Sugarman Park or David Balfour Park.

Please let us know how we can proceed with addressing our concerns and make changes.


ABC Residents Association

Photo: Corey Seeman, via CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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