1080-1088 Yonge Street development

Councillor Dianne Saxe
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

June 20, 2023

Re: TE6.10 – 1080-1088 Yonge Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Decision Report

Dear Members of the Toronto and East York Community Council,

The ABC Residents Association (ABCRA) is an incorporated volunteer body that has been in existence since 1957. ABCRA represents the interests of residents who live in the area between Yonge Street and Avenue Road, and Bloor Street to the CPR tracks.

We are writing to express our opposition to the 1080-1088 Yonge Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application and request a deferral on the item.

ABCRA has a long history of working collaboratively with the City and Developers to approve good designs, including the recent settlement on 148-158 Avenue Road.

We have been in negotiations with the Developer and acknowledge the good steps that have been taken in reducing the massing on the west side of the site, but are of the opinion that more work needs to be done.

Please see the following letter from Michael Spaziani, Architect and Urban Designer, with SRM Architects + Urban Designers who have provided us with an urban design review.

We support the conclusion that this will set a negative precedent for the many mixed-use sites that exist in this part of the Downtown.

We are not satisfied with the application as presented to the Council, and request that the committee defer the application so we can continue to work with the developer on a solution that works for them and the community.


The ABC Residents Association
Ian Carmichael and John Caliendo

CC: Councillor Dianne Saxe

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