Public Space

Public Space

Open space has become critical in this increasingly dense downtown area where so many of our residents now live in high-rise buildings. Parks provide much-needed tranquility within the busy city, with studies showing that in urban environments trees and green areas can provide a host of benefits including shade, storm water runoff reduction, improved air quality, reduced electricity use, and improved health and quality of life for residents.

ABCRA advocates for:

  • Better maintenance of existing parks
  • New parks and green space in proportion to new residential units approved
  • Direction of park levies and Section 37 development fees to improvements to public space in the area of development
  • Contribution of public space in the neighbourhood by new developments beyond the minimum City requirements
  • Maintenance of existing trees and active new planting to increase overall canopy

Village of Yorkville Park

Secondary Plan – our shared public realm

The shared public space in our neighbourhood — called the public realm — plays a large part in making our daily lives enjoyable and creating a sense of community. This includes parks, trees, plantings, seating, public art and other features that animate and enhance our streets and the public spots where we gather to socialize or play.

These kinds of public realm elements are a critical part of the policies we want to see outlined in the pending Bloor-Yorkville Secondary Plan.

Enbridge gas pipe installations in sidewalk right of way

ABCRA efforts to remove intrusive utility installations

In January 2017, a very large metal box was unveiled in Jay MacPherson Green. This came much to the surprise of residents, as the construction work had been well hidden behind scaffolding. Enbridge installed the box as a replacement for a …