ABC Residents Association has a long history of making positive contributions to the planning and development of our area. The Association encompasses one of the fastest growing areas in Toronto. Development pressures to increase heights and densities along our main streets are enormous and pressure to add density to the low rise neighbourhoods is also increasing. These issues take the most time of ABCRA Board members.
Our focus is not to simply oppose new development but to work closely with City planners, Councillor Dianne Saxe, and developers to influence better planning and higher quality development of our area. Our efforts also include advocating and negotiating for more attention to the public space surrounding the buildings.
Planning & Development News

Ford government cancels ‘clueless’ plan to allow housing on farmland after backlash

Response to proposed Provincial Policy Statement
The direction for regional planning implied in the draft Provincial Planning Statement represents a seminal change in the land use planning system in the GGH that together with recent and potential future governance changes pose risks to the widely recognized benefits of coordinated and integrated land use, resource and infrastructure planning and calls into question progress toward widely understood and desirable outcomes around climate adaptation, inclusion, economic and financial stability over the next decades.

City Comments on the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement
ABCRA appreciates the opportunity to bring to your attention its concerns regarding the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (“PPS”) within the “streamlined: planning system, and wants to indicate our support for the Overall Conclusions raised by The Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations (“FoNTRA”) letter dated May 25, 2023.

148-158 Avenue Road and 220-234 Davenport Road Zoning By-law Amendment
We are writing to express our support for the 148-158 Avenue Road and 220-234 Davenport Road – Zoning By-law Amendment Application. The ABCRA has worked closely with Tribute over the past 18 months. We are pleased with what we have been able to accomplish as it relates to an improved public realm and the addition of wider sidewalks.

By-law amendment to permit Laneway Suites in Yorkville
ABCRA has a specific focus to ensure planning decisions in our community follow approved City Planning Policy and Guidelines, specifically as it relates to the completion of a Secondary Plan for Bloor-Yorkville/North Midtown. We are concerned with any planning steps that are taken in the absence of a Secondary Plan – a tool to ensure that thoughtful and prudent decisions can be made in the interests of Toronto residents.

Re-zoning Toronto’s Neighbourhoods to permit more housing options
ABCRA co-chaired the FoNTRA Garden Suite working group to review the proposal and recommended improvements to the proposed bylaw. The Garden Suites Working Group with a number of ABCRA board members was actively involved in consultations with City Planning staff while developing recommendations.

ABCRA’s position on Laneway Suites
Bringing Laneway Suites to Toronto and East York District and Laneway Suites – A New Housing Typology for Toronto by Lanescape Evergreen was considered at the June 2017 Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC). ABCRA and other RAs expressed concerns about the specifics of the proposal and scope of consultation.