Notice of Public Consultations: Implementation Review of the Noise Bylaw

The Noise Bylaw provides standards for noise, and applies to all properties in Toronto. It must balance the desires of all residents to enjoy their homes and environments, and at the same time recognize that in a City as large and vibrant as Toronto, certain levels of noise are reasonable and reflect life in a densely populated area. The 2023 Implementation Review of the Noise Bylaw will assess amendments made to the Bylaw in 2019 and consider potential refinements.

There will be six (6) consultation meetings to seek feedback on the public’s experience with the amended Noise Bylaw and the refinements under consideration. Each consultation will focus on one particular area related to the Noise Bylaw, as listed below. There will be a combination of in-person and virtual meetings. Note that there will be two identical meetings held for Amplified Sound and General Noise, one virtual and one in-person. If you’re interested in attending, please register and select the meeting(s) that most align with your interest(s). You are welcome to attend multiple sessions. Links to the virtual meetings are available on the dedicated registration pages.

General Noise (for example, unreasonable and persistent noise, power device noise, noise from waste collection)

Amplified Sound (for example, music from bars)

Motor Vehicles

Construction Noise (for example, condo developments and residential infill)

  • In-person meeting: Wednesday, September 20 at North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge Street, Meeting Room 101 (5:30 – 7:30 p.m.). Register online.

More information on the Implementation Review of Noise Bylaw is available on the City of Toronto webpage – You can also submit your feedback by emailing by October 15, 2023.

All feedback from the public consultations will be used to recommend refinements to the Noise Bylaw in a staff report going to the Economic and Community Development Committee of Toronto City Council in November 2023.

The locations for all in-person consultations are fully accessible. Assistive listening devices, materials in large-print and alternative formats, ASL interpreters, and other accommodations will be made available upon request. Please email the Noise Bylaw Implementation Review team at least 72 hours in advance to help ensure availability. The City of Toronto is committed to building an inclusive society and ensuring compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Thank you,
Noise Bylaw Implementation Review Team
Municipal Licensing and Standards
City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, 16th Floor, West Tower, M5H 2N2 

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