The City of Toronto is in talks with two foundations to fund studies for University Avenue revitalization.
“The dream of modifying the roadway of University Avenue and transforming and connecting its patchwork of green spaces into a major park in the city’s downtown core came a bit closer to the possibility of being realized last month after a number of stakeholders committed to fund the studies necessary to push the project forward.” ~ Novae Res Urbis (July 14, 2023)
On June 14, City of Toronto council adopted a members’ motion authorizing city manager Paul Johnson
to negotiate with both the Matthews Foundation and the Michael Young Family Foundation to receive donations to fully fund the costs of initiating and undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, Preliminary Design, and related studies for University Park, a project that re-imagines University Avenue as a pedestrian-friendly greenspace.
Concept drawings for the space have been done in the past and can be seen at the websites for Evergreen and landscape architecture and urban design firm PUBLIC WORK.
Photo: Brian, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons