A safer, friendlier, and quieter Avenue Road between Bloor Street and St. Clair Ave. is almost within reach – but we need your help for a final push! We’re asking you to complete the City’s Avenue Road Study survey and show that you strongly support the plan.
The Avenue Road safety Coalition has advocated for a safer and friendlier Avenue Road and City experts have delivered a plan.
Instead of a wide, fast, dangerous inner-city highway, Avenue Road will begin its transformation into a major street where local residents and visitors feel safe walking and vehicular traffic moves at a steady, safe pace.
The impact of the plan on motor traffic will be minimal – just a minute of extra travel time at most. But the positive improvements for all people using Avenue Road will be immense.
You can help make a safe Avenue Road a reality
The City is currently conducting a survey to gauge community’s support for road changes based on a safety study. Our city councillors and Transportation Services staff will use the results of the survey to determine how to proceed with this transformation and provide funding to make it happen.
Changes include:
- reconfiguring Avenue Road from a 6-lane expressway to a 4-lane roadway
- repurposing the 2 lanes to improve road safety, mobility and streetscape, to better serve all road users.
In the survey you are able to comment on details of the designs if you wish. The designs may be further refined. Your strong support or support for these two final survey questions is most important.
- Overall, do you agree that the proposed actions on Avenue Road will improve safety and comfort for all road users, including pedestrians, people who cycle, ride public transit, and drive, with acceptable trade-offs in motor vehicle traffic flow?
- Do you agree that the long-term vision, which consists of reducing the number of motor vehicle lanes from 6 to 4 and repurposing the space for other uses, will address community concerns and aspirations for Avenue Road?
This is a critical time for our advocacy efforts. Staff and politicians pay a lot of attention to survey results – please fill in the survey and also noting your strong support for the changes and encourage your friends and neighbours to do the same.
Why this matters
The City’s Avenue Road Study examined many aspects of the existing roadway, including usage for connections within the local and outside the mid-town area.
The City’s study concluded that the existing conditions:
- Do not meet existing city policy for adequate and safe conditions for all users including those most vulnerable
- Do not meet the legal reqduirements of the Ontario With Disabilities Act
- Actually encourage speeding.
Phase 1 of the transformation will be an immediate improvement to safety and set the stage for a more fundamental makeover for full reconstruction in the future.
The impact to ensure safe passage for all people including our children and seniors using Avenue Road will be immense, and there will be less than a minute of extra travel time added to traffic flow at most times.
Community support is needed now!
For more information, you can visit the City Open House or to learn and discuss the design options of the project and support our goals:
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2023
Time: Drop in between 4-8 p.m.
Location: Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, 230 St. Clair Ave. W.
Thank you for your on going support. See more information on the City’s plans for Avenue Road. If you would like to discuss, please get in touch.