Yonge St. and St. Clair Ave. construction hub

Construction at Yonge and St. Clair

We are writing to you in response to the TEYCC Motion 2023.TE4.52 relating to the establishment of a construction hub in the Yonge and St. Clair area, and to request for your consideration the feasibility of a new construction hub on Yonge Street from Scrivener Square to Aylmer/Belmont Road.

E-scooter pilot program

e-scooters parked

We are writing to encourage the committee to reject Councillor Ainslie’s request to re-open the debate to report back on a framework for an E-Scooter Pilot Project. This subject was thoroughly studied by city staff over three years, with 5 staff reports being brought to City Council for discussion in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Wider Sidewalks Now Video

Dump truck on Avenue Road

In 2020, the Avenue Road Safety Coalition made a video to illustrate the safety issues posed by the narrow sidewalks in the 6-lane section of Avenue Rd. between Bloor Street and St. Clair Avenue. They spoke to many residents, business owners and local residents’ association members about the problems and potential solutions.