Yonge St. and St. Clair Ave. construction hub

Construction at Yonge and St. Clair

We are writing to you in response to the TEYCC Motion 2023.TE4.52 relating to the establishment of a construction hub in the Yonge and St. Clair area, and to request for your consideration the feasibility of a new construction hub on Yonge Street from Scrivener Square to Aylmer/Belmont Road.

Response to proposed Provincial Policy Statement

Toronto aerial view

The direction for regional planning implied in the draft Provincial Planning Statement represents a seminal change in the land use planning system in the GGH that together with recent and potential future governance changes pose risks to the widely recognized benefits of coordinated and integrated land use, resource and infrastructure planning and calls into question progress toward widely understood and desirable outcomes around climate adaptation, inclusion, economic and financial stability over the next decades.

E-scooter pilot program

e-scooters parked

We are writing to encourage the committee to reject Councillor Ainslie’s request to re-open the debate to report back on a framework for an E-Scooter Pilot Project. This subject was thoroughly studied by city staff over three years, with 5 staff reports being brought to City Council for discussion in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

By-law amendment to permit Laneway Suites in Yorkville

ABCRA area laneway

ABCRA has a specific focus to ensure planning decisions in our community follow approved City Planning Policy and Guidelines, specifically as it relates to the completion of a Secondary Plan for Bloor-Yorkville/North Midtown. We are concerned with any planning steps that are taken in the absence of a Secondary Plan – a tool to ensure that thoughtful and prudent decisions can be made in the interests of Toronto residents.

Historical designation of 148 and 156-158 Avenue Road

148 Avenue Road

In review of the development application, the applicant is proposing to remove existing buildings along Avenue Road to increase the width of pedestrian sidewalks, provide for a signature plaza at the intersection, increase on-site public space and widen an existing laneway for both vehicular and pedestrian use. These public realm enhancements are desirable for both pedestrian and vehicular safety and support the creation of a community node at a key intersection in the City of Toronto.

Ramsden Park dogs off-leash area

Dogs playing at off-leash dog park

We are expressing our concern that the dogs off-leash area is causing conflict with the adjacent residents.

We have been made aware that the disturbances have become more acute in recent years with the increased use of the dogs off-leash area. In addition, the dogs off-leash area now attracts dozens of commercial dog walkers, each with a herd of five dogs or more…

Active TO Midtown Complete Street

Complete street - protected bike lanes

We are writing to express our opposition to the 1080-1088 Yonge Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application and request a deferral on the item. We have been in negotiations with the Developer and acknowledge the good steps that have been taken in reducing the massing on the west side of the site, but are of the opinion that more work needs to be done.