The ABCRA has worked closely with Tribute, the developer of this site, over 18 months. While ABCRA did not agree with the City’s approved height of the tower, we are pleased with what ABCRA, working with the Annex Residents Association and Councillor Saxe was able to accomplish as it relates to an improved public realm and the addition of wider sidewalks. We are especially pleased with the negotiated on-site parkland dedication for the purchase by Tribute of two Avenue Road properties #209 and #207. These two properties will be added to 211 Avenue Road that ABCRA secured as part of the development negotiations of 1140 Yonge Street. Together these three properties will create a magnificent new Avenue Road gateway into Ramsden Park.
Toronto East York Community Council
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
SENT by email
Re: 2023.TE6.8, 148-158 Avenue Road and 220-234 Davenport Road -Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Decision Report – Approval
Dear Members of the Toronto and East York Community Council,
ABC Residents Association (“ABCRA”) is an incorporated volunteer body that has been in existence since 1957. ABCRA represents the interests of residents who live in the area between Yonge Street and Avenue Road and Bloor Street to the CPR tracks.
We are writing to express our support for the 148-158 Avenue Road and 220-234 Davenport Road – Zoning By-law Amendment Application.
The ABCRA has worked closely with Tribute over the past 18 months. We are pleased with what we have been able to accomplish as it relates to an improved public realm and the addition of wider sidewalks. We are especially pleased with the negotiated on-site parkland dedication at 207-209 Avenue Rd and the inclusion of the Ramsden Park Gateway.
We are satisfied with the application as presented to Council and we support the application.
The ABC Residents Association,
Ian Carmichael and John Caliendo,
CC. Councillor Dianne Saxe